Attention to Our Amazon Customers:
Posted on Mar 13, 2016 by Ray d'Amico | Comments (6)
Updated 05/18/16 4:21pm:
Greetings. We're glad to announce that has restored our product listings--albeit having took 9 weeks and 4 days for Amazon to do so. In a word, the entire experience was harrowing, to say the least. Most unfortunately, we never received a true answer as to why our products were targeted—nor is there any guarantee that this situation will not arise again.
In any event, we genuinely appreciate your patience and your patronage during these past months! A big thank you from us to you!
Updated 03/14/16 2:45pm:

We regret to inform you that, as of 03/12/2016, has abruptly 'delisted' most of our products. The nature of this situation is presently unfolding. We have yet to be given a proper and complete explanation. Although, it appears Amazon has begun to ban various colloidal silver products--some very notable brands we might add, as well. Unfortunately, the nature of this situation is indefinite and could quite possibly be permanent.
At present, all of our products, with exception to our Silver Tongue Oral Care line and Silver Shield Dog & Bedding Spray have been affected. We anticipate these remaining products will be removed as well.
Where can I alternately buy these products?
As always, our entire product line is available via our website, here: . Alternately, a wide variety of our products are available online at The Power Mall, here: . Furthermore, most of our product line is available via our many brick & mortar stores, around the country; see here: .
Further details
Note, this is not the first time Amazon has fallaciously delisted our products. The most prominent event took place during the summer of 2015. The situation then took roughly 4 months with over two hundred (literally) communications (case emails, plus an un-recallable number of phone calls), to and from, to truly resolve.
To summarize, without saying too much yet, each instance of Amazon's behavior here has, in essence, been an attack on colloidal silver--which has been very successful at reaching people via Amazon through our brand ... Is this move by Amazon a sign of a renewed attack on colloidal silver and health freedom? We shall see.
As always, we greatly appreciate your support! At this moment in time we kindly request your help by buying from us directly, or from our brick & mortar stores as we work toward fixing this.
Thank you.
More details to come ...
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